AMA Citation: Simplified Guide for Students
When dealing with complex academic papers, a proper citation style is obligatory. You will get no chance to submit an excellent paper without formatting it accurately. AMA citation style is one of the top citation formats used for papers in numerous disciplines. This is the leading style for the American Medical Association. Currently, the 10th edition is used by writers and editors. The citation style introduces the core requirements and principles in the AMA Manual of Style. From the very beginning, the style was used by writers of the American Medical Association. Nowadays, it is used by medical and research communities in order to prepare their excellent written works. The modern version of the manual includes the standard requirements and guides, together with innovative sections for online blogs, various tips for editors, and numerous quizzes.

AMA Citation Definition and Explanation
AMA citation is used for the papers written by the representatives of the American Medical Association. This is the top style used by members of medical and science communities. Mostly this format is used to prepare papers that are further published in scientific, health, and medical journals. Plentiful of other academic papers require this citation style in order to properly format a written work and the cited sources in particular.
AMA style is quite popular among scientists and writers worldwide. It is as popular as APA or CSE citation styles. Besides, AMA has a huge variety of guidelines. It includes numerous local guides as well. In order to submit an excellent written piece, it is highly requested to check in advance the exact citation style assigned and its current guidelines. In such a case, you need to check all the citation style peculiarities together with the source materials to get the information needed for your written project.
AMA Citation Format
AMA citation format has a full set of special guidelines for writers and editors. It shows how to properly cite every source and separate parts of the material, prepare references, and write down the credits. Every writer must be very attentive when performing an academic piece in an AMA citation format. The proper references assure a plagiarism-free final paper. Every writer must assure original paper with correct sources cited to prevent any plagiarism.
Both writers and editors must be very attentive to every aspect of the AMA citation style. Thus, they need to know all the guidelines and the latest version of the AMA manual. You can check numerous manuals online or use various advanced online tools to format your paper properly. Be aware, and every written piece must have a requested format and accurate references. This is the only way to submit an excellent final paper.
AMA Guidelines
AMA Manual of Style covers the entire set of guidelines for writers and editors. In fact, this is an advanced guide for writers and editors who tend to prepare excellent papers. The 10th edition of the Manual reveals the full collection of guides needed to prepare flawless papers in medical or science research fields. Most scientists and medical researchers use AMA to prepare their written pieces and assure a flawless structure of written papers. The guide shows how exactly the used materials and sources must be organized within the paper.
Once you have enough practice completing your written pieces, you will learn how to prepare flawless content easily. Every citation style has a certain purpose. AMA style is created to assure that every source is properly cited in the text. It helps to avoid any plagiarism in the final paper. It is obligatory to cite every used source and material properly, according to a set of guidelines. AMA is used in a wide variety of papers, including essays, lab reports, reviews, presentations, and other academic, scientific, and research papers. Even the textbook can become an example of the AMA style used. The latest edition of the Manual applies to various online works like blog posts as well. It helps writers to organize and cite every electronic document by the book.
How to Cite in AMA Style Properly
When you need to cite the used original materials and sources in your written piece, make sure to follow the next guides:
- Use a numerical order when citing materials;
- Use Arabic numbers for organizing the sources;
- Avoid using Roman numbers in your citations;
- In a case of multiply sources, use a comma between sources;
- An entire series must be combined with a hyphen.
Sample of numerical citation: The Scientific Organization has prepared a full set of rules. (10)
Sample of multiple citations: The discoveries were along these lines (4,5)
Sample of closed series: As summarized above, (14-19, 28)
AMA In-Text Citations
When dealing with AMA in-text citations, every source must be cited following the existed rules. You need to cite every material or part of the material in the text once using superscript. Always remember to place sources in numerical order. The superscript text is quite smaller and placed above the ordinary line of text. Be aware of using it only in the in-text citations, and never in the reference list.
Once formatting in-text citations, follow the next principles:
- List all the in-text citations in numerical order;
- Use the identical numbers for in-text citations and the reference list;
- Do not use alphabetic order for a reference list, use numerical one;
- AMA style must be used in every cited source.
You should be attentive to include the requested AMA style in-text citations. It covers figures, tablets, statistics, and text. Use quotation marks when citing direct quoted in your written piece.
Example: “Everything in this world is connected. You cannot force someone to do a thing without being forced yourself.”
There is no obligatory rule to use page numbers in the AMA style. Moreover, it is optional for a writer to use page numbers. Often, college professors require page numbers. It is important to remember that every educational institution has its own regulations and rules for academic papers’ accomplishments. Thus, once organizing the in-text citations and the reference list, make sure to place the numbers properly. First, check carefully the assigned citation format regulations provided by your college tutor or university professor. Be attentive to every detail of the assigned citation format.
Example of page numbers’ use: The Medical Journal reported on the 23% increase of pneumonia cases in the last two months. 8(pp3-4)
AMA Book Citation
Often, writers need to cite books in their written papers. To cite every book properly is as same important as to cite various articles. In such a case, you need to pay your attention to several important factors. First, pay attention to such details as the number of authors, edition, and editor. Also, memorize the exact chapter you cite in your paper.
When you cite a book with a single writer, you need to write down the surname of the author with initials, the book title, name of the publisher, location, and the date of publications.
Example: Remington A. The New World Order. Flint, MI: Roy Band; 2001.
When you deal with multiple authors, you need to write down the same details once defining the names of all the authors first.
Example: Remington A, Remington B. The New World Order. Flint, MI: Roy Band; 2001.
If you have seven and more authors, use the “et al.” after defining a few first authors.
Example: Remington A, Remington B, Remington C, et al. The New World Order. Flint, MI: Roy Band; 2001.
AMA Citation Page and Reference List
There is a list of regulations you should follow when writing the reference list. It is important to organize every source in proper order. Also, you need to provide information about every used source. The reference page must be flawless, thus lacking any identical citations or wrong order.
The following tips and guidelines are used to organize the reference list in the approved manner:
- You need to list the reference list in numerical order, never in an alphabetic one;
- You can check the latest edition of the Manual to find samples of the reference list;
- Use regular numbers in the reference list;
- Do not use superscript in the reference list, and it can be used only in in-text citations;
- Reference lists are usually left-justified;
- Every source in the list must be single-spaced.
You need to use the presented writing tips and guides to organize your sources correctly and prepare a flawless reference list.
AMA citation format is an important formatting style for medical or science research papers. It has a full set of special guidelines for writers and editors who complete the complex written works in the mentioned fields of study. It shows how to cite every source properly, prepare the reference list, and write down the credits accurately. Every writer must be well-aware of the AMA citation style guidelines and principles. Moreover, the proper references always assure a plagiarism-free final paper. Every writer must assure original content with correctly cites sources to prevent any plagiarism and submit a flawless final paper.